Smart urban municipalities/cities and energy efficient industries

Ljubljana, 12 October 2017 and Zagreb, 13 October 2017

Overview of Full Program

Smart urban municipalities/cities and energy efficient industries

The main themes of the two business events this October are smart urban solutions. It is all about smart municipalities/cities and energy efficient industries. This is why we are inviting local and regional government units - mayors of municipalities, cities and counties, managers of utility companies, and companies working within the energy and environment field - to come together and share best practice. To be inspired.

The goal of the business events is to showcase and discuss local and Danish achievements in organising and running smart urban municipalities and cities.

The business events consist of four parts – invited lectures on best practice, round table discussions about problems/needs/solutions, project presentations and B2B meetings.

Detailed programme

Slovenia (download PDF)

Croatia (download PDF)

Or see the menus below:


The event takes place at the Four Points by Sheraton Ljubljana Mons


Pot za Brdom 4
1000 Ljubljana


08.30 - 09.00: Registration

09.00 - 10.15: Business breakfast & Round table debate ‘Energy Renovation of Public Buildings in Slovenia’
ESCO model as a solution: what are the obstacles and what are the opportunities – for municipalities, companies and banks
(moderator: Andreja Šalamun, Energetika.NET)
10-min INTRO presentation:
Jana Habjan Piletič, JHP
Robert Ostrelič, Petrol
Luka Komazec, GGE 

10.15 - 10.20: Welcome speech
10.20 - 10.30: Invited lecture on good practice example
Making energy management happen on a regional level, PEACE Alps project, Interreg Alpine Space
Bojan VogrinčičLocal Energy Agency Pomurje
10.30 - 10.45: Invited lecture on good practice example
GeoPLASMA-CE project and the potential of shallow geothermal energy in Ljubljana
Alenka Loose, Energy Manager of the City of Ljubljana, and Špela Gregorin, Associate Professional for the GeoPLASMA-CE project
10.45 - 10.55: Invited 10-min presentation on BUILD 2LC project
(EU projects financing & energy poverty)

10.55 - 11.10: Invited lecture: The official green brand of Denmark powers up green transition at state level
Finn Mortensen, Executive Director of State of Green
11.10 - 11.30: Coffee break
11.30 - 12.00: Round table debate 1: Smart Municipalities & Industry + Alternative Mobility
(moderator: Ana Vučina Vršnak, Energetika.NET)
Hinko Šolinc, Director, Slovenian Eco Fund - Eko sklad
Mojca Kert, Petrol energetika
Anže Kunovar, Law Office Kunovar
12.00 - 12.35: Round table debate 2: Smart Municipalities & Industry + Alternative Mobility
(moderator: Ana Vučina Vršnak, Energetika.NET)
Aleksander Zalaznik, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Danfoss Trata
Vojko Golmajer, General Manager, Velux Slovenija
Marjan Hribljan, Country Manager, Grundfos Ljubljana
Mehdi Ossor, Business Unit Director East Adriatic, Rockwool Adriatic
Christina Mose, Senior Project Manager, Rambøll
Anders Hjørnholm, General Sales Manager, Danstoker

12.35 - 13.00: Invited lecture on good practice example: Albertslund - the green journey
Steen Christiansen, Mayor of Albertslund, the first environmentally certified municipality in Denmark and appointed Nordic Energy Municipality 2011 thanks to urban development with climate considerations                    
Kim Brostrøm, Chief Project Manager of the living lab Gate 21 - Paving the way for sustainable cities
13.00 - 14.00: Lunch + En.občina 017 AWARDS for the most energy efficient Slovenian municipalities
14.00 - 16.00: Presentations of smart municipal/city projects
16.00 - 17.00: B2B meetings and closing with traditional Slovenian wine
Side event during the whole event: Alternative mobility for Slovenian mayors 
Polygon with cars on alternative fuels (in partnership with Petrol and Slovenian Eco Fund – Eko sklad)


The event takes place at the Hotel Dubrovnik, Zagreb


Ljudevita Gaja 1
10000 Zagreb


08.30 - 09.00: Registration and morning coffee

09.00 - 09.15: Welcome speeches
Milan Bandić, Mayor of Zagreb
Christian Thorning, Danish ambassador to Croatia
09.15 - 09.30: Invited lecture: The official green brand of Denmark powers up green transition at state level
Finn Mortensen, Executive Director of State of Green

09.30 - 09.55: Invited lecture on good practice example: Albertslund - the green journey
Steen Christiansen, Mayor of Albertslund, the first environmentally certified municipality in Denmark and appointed Nordic Energy Municipality 2011 thanks to urban development with climate considerations
Kim Brostrøm, Chief Project Manager of the living lab Gate21 - Paving the way for sustainable cities

09.55 - 11.15: Panel discussions, moderator: Marijan Kavran, Komunal
Panel discussion 1: Smart municipalities and smart cities - development and vision
Kim Brostrøm, Chief Project Manager of the living lab Gate21
Dubravko Bilić, Mayor of Ludbreg
Željko Jurić, City of Rijeka
Mirka Jozić, City of Zagreb
Panel discussion 2: Urban planning, mobility and well being
Sanjin Vranković, Head of department for urban planning, communal system and ecology, Viškovo
Christina Mose, Senior Project Manager, Rambøll
Vojko Golmajer, Director, Velux Hrvatska
Saša Kramar, Board member and COO for business clients, Hrvatski Telekom
Dean Smolar, Head of National Energy Efficiency Authority, Head of Energy Sector, Center for Monitoring Business Activities in the Energy Sector and Investments
Panel discussion 3: Energy efficiency and environment
Julije Domac, Managing Director of North-West Regional Energy Agency, REGEA
Kemal Lojo, Sales Manager HR & BiH, Danfoss
Andrei Ovidiu Bita, Balkan Area Sales Manager, Logstor
Anders Hjørnholm, General Sales Manager, Danstoker
Goran Pavlović, Director, Eco Consult
Josip Pavković, Managing Director, Project finance department, HBOR
11.15 - 11.45: Coffee break with Danish cookies
11.45 - 14.15: Presentations of smart municipal/city projects
14.15 - 15.15: Lunch with a theme
15.15 - 17.00: B2B meetings and closing with traditional Croatian beer and wine